June 26, 2008

Stay in Korea? Interesting...

While in Korea, foreigners are allowed to engage only in the activities authorized by the status of their visa and whithin the period of stay given.

Foreigners who want to work in Korea must have a visa that entitles them to the employment activities, and work only in the place of work reported to and designated by a local or district Immigration office, in advance.

See also Short term stay and Long term stay here

June 16, 2008

Insomnia kah anda?

Tidur bagi manusia adalah hal yang sangat penting, karena tidur mengendalikan irama kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Jika kita kurang tidur atau mengalami gangguan dalam tidur, maka hari-hari kita akan menjadi lambat dan kurang bergairah. Sebaliknya tidur yang cukup dan berkualitas akan membantu kita memiliki energi dan gairah dalam menjalani aktifitas sehari-hari. Setiap manusia menghabiskan seperempat sampai sepertiga dari kehidupannya untuk tidur. Menurut penelitian, hampir setiap manusia pernah mengalami masalah tidur. Satu dari tiga orang dilaporkan mengalami gangguan tidur dan satu dari sembilan orang memiliki masalah tidur yang cukup serius. Karena beberapa masalah tidur dapat diatasi oleh individu yang bersangkutan dan yang lain memerlukan bantuan dokter, maka diagnosis diri (self diagnosis) menjadi sangat penting.

Anda mungkin memiliki masalah tidur jika beberapa dari hal-hal berikut terjadi pada anda:

• Anda merasa lelah dan tertekan pada waktu pagi hari atau malam hari.
• Anda memiliki lingkaran gelap dan membengkak di sekitar mata anda.
• Anda jatuh tertidur di pesta atau setelah makan malam di rumah orang.
• Anda kurang aktif dan memiliki sedikit hubungan sosial.
• Anda merasa seperti kehilangan fokus perhatian yang membuat anda tidak dapat merespon rangsangan dari luar dan membuat anda sensitif terhadap hal lainnya.
• Anda sangat sensitif terhadap rangsangan internal seperti sakit perut (maag) atau kejang-kejang.
• Anda sering tidak dapat tidur, tidur tidak nyenyak ataupun bangun terlalu dini.
• Anda takut menghadapi malam hari karena anda susah tidur.
• Anda mudah tersinggung atas hal-hal yang tidak penting.
• Anda mengkonsumsi obat-obat tidur dalam beberapa bulan terakhir.
• Anda sering menggunakan rokok, alkohol atau obat-obatan untuk menenangkan diri dan membantu anda untuk tidur.
• Anda kecanduan obat-obatan, terutama yang mengandung zat penenang.

Jika ada salah satu dari sejumlah daftar tersebut terjadi pada anda, maka dapat dipastikan anda telah mengalami masalah dalam tidur. Beberapa masalah tidur antara lain: insomnia, narcolepsy, hypersomnia, dan apnea. Namun sebelum membahas lebih jauh mengenai masalah-masalah dalam tidur, ada baiknya kita memahami apa sebenarnya tidur itu.

Pembentukan Sel
Tidur adalah proses yang amat diperlukan oleh manusia untuk terjadinya pembentukan sel-sel tubuh yang baru, perbaikan sel-sel tubuh yang rusak (natural healing mechanism), memberi waktu organ tubuh untuk beristirahat maupun untuk menjaga keseimbangan metabolisma dan biokimiawi tubuh. Hal penting yang terjadi pada saat kita tidur adalah menurunnya frekuensi gelombang otak. Hal ini pernah kita bahas dalam edisi Mandiri sebelumnya mengenai bagaimana kita mengoptimalkan kekuatan pikiran bawah sadar. Untuk pembaca yang tertarik lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini dapat membaca buku SELF MANAGEMENT karangan Aribowo Prijosaksono dan Marlan Mardianto.
Jadi dengan memahami proses penurunan frekuensi gelombang otak, kita dapat melihat bahwa tidur memiliki beberapa tahapan, mulai dari kondisi relaksasi (gelombang alpha), tidur dengan mimpi (adanya REM – Rapid Eye Movement) atau dalam kondisi kreatif yaitu gelombang theta, dan tidur lelap tanpa mimpi pada frekuensi gelombang delta.
Jika kita dapat mengatur frekuensi gelombang otak kita sampai pada taraf gelombang delta, kita tidak memerlukan waktu tidur yang panjang, tetapi tidur yang berkualitas yaitu lelap tanpa mimpi. Jika kita sering berada dalam kondisi relaksasi, maka kita tidak memerlukan banyak tidur. Ketegangan dan stress membuat kita membutuhkan banyak tidur, namun justru dalam kondisi tersebut kita menjadi susah tidur. Teknik relaksasi atau bagaimana menurunkan frekuensi gelombang otak pernah dibahas dalam rubrik ini atau anda dapat membaca pada buku-buku self management karangan kami.

Berikut adalah sejumlah kekeliruan pandangan tentang tidur:
• Kita membutuhkan sedikitnya delapan jam tidur setiap malam.
• Setiap jumlah jam tidur yang terlewat harus digantikan agar kita dapat kembali ke kondisi normal.
• Obat tidur dapat membantu kita untuk tidur.
• Minum minuman beralkohol sebelum istirahat dapat membantu kita untuk tidur.
• Jika kita tidak bisa tidur, atau kita berbicara ataupun berjalan ketika tidur berarti kita memiliki masalah tidur yang cukup serius.
• Jika kita tidur, kita selalu bermimpi atau selalu tidur nyenyak.
• Jika kita susah tidur, tetap berbaring di tempat tidur sampai kita tertidur.
• Beberapa orang tidur tanpa bergerak sepanjang malam.
• Orang yang tidur siang adalah orang yang malas.
• Masalah tidur akan hilang dengan sendirinya jika kita mengabaikannya.
• Masalah tidur bukan masalah serius.

Berikut adalah penjelasan berbagai jenis masalah tidur. Masing-masing masalah ini berbeda cara penanganannya. Kadang-kadang beberapa masalah memerlukan campur tangan dokter ahli jiwa (psikiater).

Insomnia adalah suatu gangguan tidur yang dialami oleh penderita dengan gejala-gejala selalu merasa letih dan lelah sepanjang hari dan secara terus menerus (lebih dari sepuluh hari) mengalami kesulitan untuk tidur atau selalu terbangun di tengah malam dan tidak dapat kembali tidur. Seringkali penderita terbangun lebih cepat dari yang diinginkannya dan tidak dapat kembali tidur. Ada tiga jenis gangguan insomnia, yaitu: susah tidur (sleep onset insomnia), selalu terbangun di tengah malam (sleep maintenance insomnia), dan selalu bangun jauh lebih cepat dari yang diinginkan (early awakening insomnia). Cukup banyak orang yang mengalami satu dari ketiga jenis gangguan tidur ini. Dalam penelitian dilaporkan bahwa di Amerika Serikat sekitar 15 persen dari total populasi mengalami gangguan insomnia yang cukup serius.
Gangguan tidur insomnia merupakan gangguan yang belum serius jika anda alami kurang dari sepuluh hari. Untuk mengatasi gangguan ini kita dapat menggunakan teknik-teknik relaksasi dan pemrograman bawah sadar. Yang penting kita harus dapat menjaga keseimbangan frekuensi gelombang otak agar sesering mungkin berada dalam kondisi relaks dan meditatif sehingga ketika kita harus tidur kita tidak mengalami kesulitan untuk menurunkan gelombang otak ke frekuensi delta.

Narcolepsy adalah gangguan tidur yang diakibatkan oleh gangguan psikologis dan hanya bisa disembuhkan melalui bantuan pengobatan dari seorang dokter ahli jiwa. Penyakit ini berbeda dengan insomnia yang terjadi secara terus menerus. Justru penderita narcolepsy ini terkena serangan secara mendadak pada saat yang tidak tepat, seperti sedang memimpin rapat – biasanya terjadi serangan pada kondisi emosi yang tegang seperti: marah, takut atau jatuh cinta. Serangan narcolepsy dapat melumpuhkan seseorang dalam beberapa menit ketika dia masih sadar dan secara tiba-tiba membawanya ke alam mimpi.

Gangguan ini adalah kebalikan dari insomnia. Seringkali penderita dianggap memiliki gangguan jiwa atau malas. Para penderita hypersomnia membutuhkan waktu tidur yang sangat banyak dari ukuran normal. Meskipun penderita tidur melebihi ukuran normal, namun mereka selalu merasa letih dan lesu sepanjang hari. Namun gangguan ini tidaklah terlalu serius dan dapat diatasi sendiri oleh penderita dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen diri.

Apnea merupakan salah satu gangguan tidur yang cukup serius. Lebih dari 5 juta penduduk Amerika Serikat mengalami gangguan ini. Faktor risiko terkena gangguan ini antara lain: kelebihan berat badan (overweight), usia paruh baya terutama pada wanita, atau usia lanjut (lansia) yang pernah mengalami ketergantungan obat. Apnea adalah penyakit yang disebut juga ”to fall asleep at the wheel” karena sering dialami ketika penderita sedang mengemudikan mobil. Apnea terjadi karena fluktuasi atau irama yang tidak teratur dari denyut jantung dan tekanan darah. Ketika terserang, penderita seketika merasa mengantuk dan jatuh tertidur. Penderita apnea mengalami kesulitan bernafas bahkan berhenti bernafas pada saat tidur ketika terserang gangguan ini (dalam bahasa Jawa disebut ”tindihan”). Fluktuasi denyut jantung dan tekanan darah yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kematian seketika pada penderita.

Perilaku Menyimpang
Gangguan tidur lainnya seperti berbicara atau berjalan dalam keadaaan tidur, ataupun menggertakkan gigi merupakan gangguan tidur yang tidak berbahaya. Namun berbahaya jika berjalan dalam tidur menemui obyek yang berbahaya (benda tajam, api, dll) atau terjatuh. Gangguan berbicara dalam tidur hanya akan mengganggu teman sekamarnya. Sedangkan menggertak gigi dapat merusak email gigi. Penyakit menggertak gigi ini disebut dengan bruxism.
Dengan mengetahui dan memahami berbagai jenis gangguan atau penyakit tidur kita dapat mengambil langkah yang diperlukan. Sepanjang masih bisa diatasi sendiri dengan teknik-teknik manajemen diri (relaksasi dan pemrograman bawah sadar, meditasi, dan pola hidup yang sehat dan seimbang), maka kita sebenarnya dapat menjadi bagian dari solusi masalah yang kita hadapi. Untuk gangguan atau penyakit yang serius seperti narcolepsy maupun apnea, kita harus berkonsultasi dengan dokter ahli, karena mengabaikan gangguan tersebut dapat berakibat fatal (mematikan) bagi penderita..

Untuk informasi lebih detail tentang insomnia anda dapat klik disini, disini, disini, dan disini.

Maka, insomnia kah anda?

June 11, 2008


No other fruit says summer like the subtly crunchy, thirst quenching watermelon. Although watermelons can now be found in the markets throughout the year, the season for watermelon is in the summer when they are sweet and of the best quality.

As a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, the watermelon is related to the cantaloupe, squash and pumpkin, other plants that also grow on vines on the ground. Watermelons can be round, oblong or spherical in shape and feature thick green rinds that are often spotted or striped. They range in size from a few pounds to upward of ninety pounds.

Food Chart

This chart graphically details the %DV that a serving of Watermelon provides for each of the nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or excellent source according to our Food Rating System. Additional information about the amount of these nutrients provided by Watermelon can be found in the Food Rating System Chart. A link that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Watermelon, featuring information over 80 nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating System Chart.

Health Benefits

Watermelon is not only great on a hot summer day, this delectable thirst-quencher may also help quench the inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis.

Concentrated in Powerful Antioxidants

Sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A, notably through its concentration of beta-carotene. Pink watermelon is also a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene. These powerful antioxidants travel through the body neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are substances in the body that can cause a great deal of damage. They are able to oxidize cholesterol, making it stick to blood vessel walls, where it can lead to heart attack or stroke. They can add to the severity of asthma attacks by causing airways to clamp down and close. They can increase the inflammation that occurs in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and cause most of the joint damage that occurs in these conditions, and they can damage cells lining the colon, turning them into cancer cells. Fortunately, vitamin C and beta-carotene are very good at getting rid of these harmful molecules and can therefore prevent the damage they would otherwise cause. As a matter of fact, high intakes of vitamin C and beta-carotene have been shown in a number of scientific studies to reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the airway spasm that occurs in asthma, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and alleviate some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A cup of watermelon provides 24.3% of the daily value for vitamin C, and, through its beta-carotene, 11.1% of the DV for vitamin A.

More on Watermelon's Lycopene

Watermelon is also a very concentrated source of the carotenoid, lycopene. Well known for being abundant in tomatoes and particularly well absorbed from cooked tomato products containing a little fat such as olive oil, lycopene is also present in high amounts in watermelon and mangoes. Lycopene has been extensively studied for its antioxidant and cancer-preventing properties. In contrast to many other food phytonutrients, whose effects have only been studied in animals, lycopene has been repeatedly studied in humans and found to be protective against a growing list of cancers. These cancers now include prostate cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancers. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that in patients with colorectal adenomas, a type of polyp that is the precursor for most colorectal cancers, blood levels of lycopene were 35% lower compared to study subjects with no polyps. Blood levels of beta-carotene also tended to be 25.5% lower, although according to researchers, this difference was not significant. In their final (multiple logistic regression) analysis, only low levels of plasma lycopene (less than 70 microgram per liter) and smoking increased the likelihood of colorectal adenomas, but the increase in risk was quite substantial: low levels of lycopene increased risk by 230% and smoking by 302%. The antioxidant function of lycopene-its ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen damage-has been linked in human research to prevention of heart disease. Protection of DNA (our genetic material) inside of white blood cells has also been shown to be an antioxidant role of lycopene.

More about watermelon can you find here

June 08, 2008


Seoul is the capital and largest city of South Korea. With over ten million people, and 23 million in the wider metropolitan area, Seoul is one of the world's largest cities proper and metropolitan cities. As a Special City, it is administered directly by the national government.

The city is located on the basin of the Han River in the country's northwest. The North Korean border is about 50 km to the north.

Seoul first appears in history in 18 BC, when the Baekje kingdom established its capital Wiryeseong in what is now around Songpa-gu, southeastern Seoul. Modern Seoul descends from the Goryeo-era city called Namgyeong, which then became the capital of Korea during the Joseon dynasty.

The Seoul National Capital Area - which includes the major port city of Incheon and many satellite towns in Gyeonggi-do - has almost 23 million inhabitants, making it the second most populous metropolitan area in the world. Almost half of South Korea's population lives in the Seoul National Capital Area, and nearly one quarter in Seoul itself, making it the country's political, cultural, and economic centre. As of 2007, Seoul became the third most expensive city in the world and the most expensive in Asia

In recent years, the metropolitan government has undertaken major environmental projects, including the restoration of Cheonggyecheon.

The city has been known in the past by the successive names Wirye-seong (위례성; 慰禮城, Baekje era), Namgyeong (남경; 南京, Goryeo era), Hanseong (한성; 漢城, Joseon era), and Hanyang (한양; 漢陽). Its current name,Seoul originated from the Korean word "seo'ul" meaning "capital city". It is presumed that the origin of the native word "seo'ul" derives from the native name Seorabeol (서라벌; 徐羅伐), which originally referred to Gyeongju, the capital of Silla.

Unlike most place names in Korea, "Seoul" has no corresponding hanja (Chinese characters used in the Korean language). The Chinese name for Seoul is 首爾 ("Shǒu'ěr" in Chinese pronunciation).

The history of Seoul can be traced back as far as 18 BC, when it was established as a settlement in Baekje. It's believed that the Wiryeseong site is in the boundaries of modern day Seoul. It has thereafter been the capital of the Joseon Dynasty. In the Japanese colonization period in the early 20th century, many historical and traditional parts of Seoul were changed. The city was almost entirely destroyed in the Korean War, but an aggressive economic policy in the 1960s and 1970s helped to rebuild the city very rapidly. In the 1990s, some important historical buildings were restored, including Gyeongbokgung, one of the royal palaces of the Joseon dynasty.

See also about the Geography, Administrative divisions, Demographics, Economy, Financial hub, Shopping, Education, Culture and Transportation of Seoul in here

June 07, 2008


Clawed lobsters compose a family (Nephropidae, sometimes also Homaridae) of large marine crustaceans. Lobsters are economically important as seafood, forming the basis of a global industry that nets US$1.8 billion in trade annually[citation needed].

Though several different groups of crustaceans are known as "lobsters," the clawed lobsters are most often associated with the name. Clawed lobsters are not closely related with spiny lobsters or slipper lobsters, which have no claws (chelae), or squat lobsters. The closest relatives of clawed lobsters are the reef lobster Enoplometopus and the three families of freshwater crayfish.




Lobsters are invertebrates and have a hard protective exoskeleton. Like most arthropods, lobsters must molt in order to grow, leaving them vulnerable during this time. During the molting process, several species may experience a change in color.

Lobsters live on rocky, sandy, or muddy bottoms from the shoreline to beyond the edge of the continental shelf. They generally live singly in crevices or in burrows under rocks.

Lobsters typically eat live food, consisting of fish, mollusks, other crustaceans, worms, and some plant life. Occasionally, they will scavenge if necessary, and may resort to cannibalism in captivity; however, this has not been observed in the wild. Lobster skin in the stomachs of lobsters has been found before, although this is because lobsters will eat their shed skin after molting.[1] Lobsters grow throughout their lives and it is not unusual for a lobster to live for more than 100 years.[2] They can thus reach impressive sizes. According to the Guinness World Records, the largest lobster was caught in Nova Scotia, Canada, and weighed 20.14 kg (44.4 lb).

Being arthropods, lobsters are largely bilaterally symmetrical; clawed lobsters often possess unequal, specialized claws, like the king crab. A freshly caught lobster will have a claw that is full and fleshy, not atrophied. The anatomy of the lobster includes the cephalothorax which is the head fused with the thorax, both of which are covered by the carapace, of chitinous composition, and the abdomen. The lobster's head consists of antennae, antennules, mandibles, the first and second maxillae, and the first, second, and third maxillipeds. Because a lobster lives in a murky environment at the bottom of the ocean, its vision is poor and it mostly uses its antennae as sensors. Studies have shown that the lobster eye is formed with a reflective structure atop a convex retina. In contrast, most complex eyes use refractive ray concentrators (lenses) and a concave retina.[3] The abdomen of the lobster includes swimmerets and its tail is composed of uropods and the telson.

In general, lobsters move slowly by walking on the bottom of the sea floor. However, when they are in danger and need to flee, they swim backwards quickly by curling and uncurling their abdomen. A speed of 5 meters per second has been recorded.[4]

Lobsters come in a variety of colors including, but not limited to, red, blue, green, purple, yellow, and magenta.


The genus Symbion, the only member of the animal phylum Cycliophora, has only been found on the gills and mouthparts of lobsters.[5]

List of clawed lobster species

This list contains all known species in the family Nephropidae:[6]


Lobster is a valued foodstuff; well-known recipes include Lobster Newberg and Lobster Thermidor. Lobster is best eaten fresh, and they are normally purchased live. Lobsters are usually shipped and sold with their claws banded to prevent them from injuring each other or the purchaser. Lobsters cannot open and close the claws when they are banded, which causes the claws to begin to atrophy inside the shell. Recently banded lobsters will not show this, and the claws will be full. Many restaurants that serve lobster keep a tank of the live creatures, often allowing patrons to pick their own.

Lobsters are generally prepared and cooked while they are still alive, even though both claws may have been removed. Most cooks place the live lobster into a pot of boiling water or steam which kills it. Lobsters are also served fried, grilled, or baked. Freezing the lobster may toughen the meat.

When boiling, the lobster is simmerred for 7 minutes for the first pound and 3 minutes for each additional pound.[7]

A dish including a European lobster, Dubrovnik
A dish including a European lobster, Dubrovnik

The shell of the lobster makes eating them a slow process for the unskilled or timid, who may require a number of implements including nutcrackers, a small fork, and a plastic bib. It is possible to shell a lobster by hand if one is careful to avoid the sharp points.

The majority of the meat is in the tail and the two front claws, but smaller quantities can be found in the legs and torso. Lobster can be boiled or steamed, or used in a wide array of dishes and salads. It can be served as soup or bisque or mixed with mayonnaise or salad dressing for lobster rolls. Lobster meat is often dipped in melted butter, resulting in a sweetened flavor.



fishing industry
This box: view talk edit

The European wild lobster, including the royal blue lobster of Audresselles, is more expensive and rare than the American lobster. It was consumed chiefly by the royal and aristocratic families of France and the Netherlands. Such scenes were depicted in Dutch paintings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

In North America prior to the 20th century, local lobster was not a popular food. In the Maritimes, eating lobster was considered a mark of poverty or as a food for slaves or lower members of society. Lobsters were also used as a fertilizer for farms. Outside of the rural outports lobster was sold canned.

The market for lobster changed with the development of the modern transportation industry that allowed live lobsters to be shipped from the ports to large urban centres. Fresh lobster quickly became a luxury food and a tourist attraction for the Maritime provinces and Maine and an export to Europe and Japan where it is especially expensive.

The high price of lobster has led to the marketing of "faux lobster" which is clearly labeled as such. It is often made from (pollock or other whitefish) that has been altered to look and taste similar to lobster. A few restaurants sell "langostino lobster". Langostino translates into prawn, however the actual animal is probably a crab. Maine fishermen are upset that restaurants are passing off the fake as lobster. The spiny lobster is also called langouste). Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill sold a "Lobster Burrito" which was made from squat lobster, another crustacean which is very similar to the crab.[8]


The usual method of catching lobsters has been to use baited, one-way traps located deep underwater with a coded marker buoy at the surface so that fishermen can find their cages. Around the year 2000, due to overfishing and demand overwhelming supply, many countries began to try lobster farming, which is similar to fish farming.

Capacity for pain

See also: Do fish feel pain?

The question of whether or not lobsters can experience pain is unresolved. Because of the ambiguous nature of suffering, most people who contend that lobsters do have this capacity approach the issue using 'argument by analogy' — that is, they hold that certain similarities between lobsters' and humans' biology or behavior warrant an assumption that lobsters can feel pain.[9]

In February 2005, a review of the literature by the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety tentatively concluded that "it is unlikely that [lobsters] can feel pain," though they note that "there is apparently a paucity of exact knowledge on sentience in crustaceans, and more research is needed." This conclusion is based on the lobster's simple nervous system. The report assumes that the violent reaction of lobsters to boiling water is a reflex to noxious stimuli.[10]

However, a Scottish review released in the same year reported that "scientific evidence ... strongly suggests that there is a potential for [lobsters] to experience pain and suffering," primarily because lobsters (and other decapod crustaceans) "have opioid receptors and respond to opioids (analgesics such as morphine) in a similar way to vertebrates,"; translated, this indicates that lobsters' reaction to injury changes when painkillers are applied. The similarities in lobsters' and vertebrates' stress systems and behavioral responses to noxious stimuli were given as additional evidence for their capacity for pain.[9]

A 2007 study at Queen's University, Belfast, suggested that crustaceans do feel pain. Acetic acid was placed on the antennae of 144 prawns; the animals responded by rubbing the affected areas. Professor Robert Elwood, who headed the study, argues that sensing pain is crucial to the survival of all animals, because it encourages them to avoid damaging behaviors. Some scientists responded, saying the rubbing may reflect an attempt to clean the affected area.[11]


In vertebrates, endogenous opioids are neurochemicals that moderate pain by interacting with opiate receptors. Opioid peptides and opiate receptors occur naturally in crustaceans, and although “at present no certain conclusion can be drawn,”[10] some have interpreted their presence as an indication that lobsters may be able to experience pain[10][9]. The aforementioned Scottish paper holds that lobsters' opioids may "mediate pain in the same way" as in vertebrates[9].

Morphine, an analgesic, and naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, may affect a related species of crustacean (Chasmagnathus granulatus) in much the same way they affect vertebrates: injections of morphine into crabs produced a dose-dependent reduction of their defensive response to an electric shock.[12] (However, the attenuated defensive response could originate from either the analgesic or sedative properties of morphine, or both[13]) These findings have been replicated for other invertebrate species,[13] but similar data is not yet available for lobsters.

Animal rights issues

The most common way of killing a lobster is by placing it, live, in boiling water, or by splitting: severing the body in half, lengthwise.

The boiling method (also used to kill crayfish and shrimp) is controversial because some believe that the lobster suffers. The practice is illegal in some places, such as in Reggio Emilia, Italy, where offenders face fines of up to 495.[14] The Norwegian study states that the lobster may be de-sensitized by placing it in a salt solution 15 minutes before killing it.

The quickest way to kill a lobster may be to insert a knife into its head and cleave the head in two, thereby destroying two of the most important nerve clusters of the lobster. Some feel that this is more humane than placing the live lobster into boiling water, although it is common for the lobster to twitch for some time even when severed symmetrically in half.

Some stores will kill a lobster upon purchase by microwaving it. Whether or not death occurs more quickly than when the lobster is dropped in boiling water is not clear. There are, however, locations where the sale of a dead lobster to be eaten is illegal, including Massachusetts.[15]

In 2006, British inventor Simon Buckhaven invented the CrustaStun, which electrocutes lobsters with a 110 V electric shock, killing them in about five seconds. This ensures a quicker death for the lobster. Seafood wholesalers in Britain already use a commercial version. A home version measuring about 46 cm width and depth came into the retail market in late 2006 for about £2000.[16][17]


Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net. Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the court. A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, and the shuttlecock may only be struck once by each side before it passes over the net.

The shuttlecock is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a ball. Because shuttlecock flight is strongly affected by wind, competitive badminton is always played indoors. Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity, often as a garden or beach game.

Since 1992, badminton is an Olympic sport with five events : men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair is a man and a woman. At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed, and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet skills.

June 06, 2008

Where to Go in South Korea

The Korea National Tourism Organization offers a special English language Travel Phone service for overseas visitors. The number is 1330 and can be called from all over the country (daily 0900-1800). If calling from overseas the number is (0082) 2 1330.
A ‘Goodwill Guide’ service is also available (website: www.goodwillguide.com), by which registered volunteers provide free interpretation services, guided tours of sights and festivals and advice about making the most of your trip to the Republic of Korea. To take advantage of this service overseas visitors must register at least seven days in advance.

Korea (Rep) is a mountainous peninsular which divides the Chinese Yellow Sea from the Sea of Japan. Alpine to the north, the southern Island of Cheju basks in an almost subtropical climate. The country has several dozen National and Provincial Parks and a ruggedly scenic coastline. Despite some moves towards a political thaw, the border with Korea (Dem Rep) is closed and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

Seoul’s many attractions and excellent transport links make it the Republic of Korea’s number one destination for foreign visitors and the logical place from which to embark on a tour of the country. The capital since 1394, it is a bustling, sophisticated commercial center, which nevertheless retains numerous reminders of its rich heritage. Seoul’s greatest attractions are perhaps the royal residences, several of which are UNESCO-listed.
Changdokkung Palace is surrounded by the picturesque Secret Gardens, while the nearby Chongmyo Shrine, set in wooded grounds, contains the ancestral tablets of the Kings of the Joseon Dynasty. A colorful Confucian ceremony takes place here annually on the first Sunday in May. The Museum of Modern Arts is within the grounds of Toksukung Palace, a former royal villa which presents an interesting contrast with the surrounding skyscrapers. Kyongbokkung Palace, the most impressive of the palaces, dates in part to 1394 and has the excellent National Folk Museum and temporary displays of treasures from the fantastic collection of the National Museum of Korea within its grounds. The symbol of Seoul, the Great South Gate (Namdaemun) was the main gate in the city’s 15th-century defenses. Pagoda Park (Tapkol Park) commemorates the 1919 Korean Declaration of Independence and is a good place for people-watching. For fine city panoramas it is worth ascending Seoul Tower, which sits atop landscaped Namsan Mountain in the heart of the city. The War Memorial and Museum on Yongsan-gu military base traces the history of conflict on the Korean Peninsular. Seoul is a great place to see performances of Korea’s vibrant performing arts. For those interested in finding a unique souvenir, the traditional shopping area of Insadong offers everything from antiques to calligraphy brushes. Bargain hunters will enjoy the city’s huge markets such as the daily East Gate (Dongdaemun) Market, while for fashion shopping and nightlife the Itaewon district is the place to head for. Lotte World is a massive entertainment complex featuring everything from a major theme park to sports facilities and a luxury hotel.

Just north of the capital, the forests and cliff-top temples of Pukansan National Park offer great hiking and recreational facilities. One hour from Seoul, on the border with North Korea, is the truce village of Panmunjom, where the 1953 armistice negotiations took place. Access is possible only on an official tour, but many will find the sight of the North Korean landscape and soldiers well worth it. The Everland leisure complex, one hour from Seoul, features a huge theme park, a zoo and a speedway-racing track. Also part of the complex, the superb treasures of the Hoam Art Museum will appeal to anyone interested in Korean art. South of Seoul is the Suwon Korean Folk Village, a functioning rural community and wonderful reconstruction of the past. Craftspeople can be observed at their trades and there are daily performances of traditional folk dances and entertainments. The impressively preserved city walls and defenses of nearby Suwon City are UNESCO-listed. Southeast of Seoul, Icheon is a traditional center of Korea’s ceramics industry. Attractions include the Haegang Ceramics Museum and nearby hot springs. Incheon, the location of South Korea’s new International Airport, is a major seaport and famous for the 1950 ‘Incheon Landings’ of UN troops during the Korean War. These days visitors flock to the many shopping malls and the amusement park and waterfront attractions of the Wolmido area.

The East
Eastern Korea provides breathtaking mountain and coastal scenery, a blaze of color in autumn and a fine setting for wintersports with modern, fully-equipped ski centers. The mountains run down to the sea along much of the 390km- (240 mile-) east coast but are interspersed by harbors, fishing villages and long, sandy beaches, such as the popular resort of Hwajinpo. The beautiful beaches of the Samchok area range from tiny, undiscovered coves to large resorts. The incredibly scenic volcanic island of Ullungdo lies 130km (80 miles) off the coast and is accessible by ferry. Three of Korea’s National Parks, Soraksan, Odaesan and Chuwangsan, are accessible from the East Coast highway. Soraksan National Park, the northernmost, is widely considered to offer the most beautiful scenery in Korea with its rugged peaks, waterfalls, forests and temples. Excellent tourist facilities range from hiking trails and campsites to the Osaek Springs luxury hot spring resorts. The resort village of Soarkdong is a popular starting point for climbing expeditions and a cable car runs from the village to the ancient Kwongumsong Fortress from where there are spectacular views. For wintersports, the nearby Alps Ski Resort is well known. Odaesan National Park is famous for its ski resorts, as is the Dragon Valley (Yongpyong) area further south. Rock climbers will enjoy the challenges of the Chiaksan area.
Towards the center of the country, Songnisan National Park is another area renowned for its natural beauty. The famous Popchusa Temple dates back to AD 553 and has an impressive pagoda, and a number of art treasures such as an immense standing Buddha. Rural Andong district retains much of its traditional culture and the Musil Folk Village and Museum is well worth visiting. The nearby Hahoe Folk Village is particularly known for its mask makers and dancers. The annual Andong Folk Festival and Masked Dance Festival takes place in October.

Known as Korea’s ‘museum without walls’, Kyongju is a repository of ancient Korean history and Buddhist culture and has been designated by UNESCO as one of the world’s 10 most historically significant sites. Capital of the Shilla Kingdom from 57 BC to AD 935, many traces of the temples, palaces and monuments of that era still remain. The most impressive structure to survive is undoubtedly the seventh-century Chomsongdae, an observatory that ranks amongst the oldest in Asia. Nearby Tumuli Park contains 20 tomb mounds of Shilla Royalty, one of which, the Heavenly Horse Tomb, can be entered. Many treasures of the area, including golden crowns excavated from the tombs, can be seen in the Kyongju National Museum. The Anapji Pond and Gardens are a reconstructed pleasure garden complete with pavilions. The surrounding hills are dotted with ancient monuments and temples and laced with scenic hiking trails.

Within easy reach of Kyongju is the Pomun Lake Resort, a complex of hotels, a convention center, golf courses, sports facilities, a casino, marina and shopping centers. Nearby Pulguksa Temple is one of the country’s most famous and a major tourist draw. This large wooden temple is beautifully painted and very atmospheric and the stone foundations and pagodas date back to the eighth century. High on the mountain above Pulguksa is the fascinating Sokkuram Grotto, an ancient and highly complex cave-like structure containing a large granite Buddha and wall carvings of guardian deities, all of great artistic importance.
50km west of Taegu City is the Kayasan National Park, at the center of which is Haeinsa, Korea’s best-known temple. Built in AD 802, it houses the extraordinary Tripitaka Koreana, a set of over 80,000 wooden printing blocks engraved with the complete Buddhist scriptures. Completed in 1252 after 16 years of work, they are still in perfect condition.

The South
Busan, on South Korea’s southeastern coast, is the country’s largest sea port. There are great views from the Busan Tower, and the city’s attractions include Pomosa Temple, Kumjongsansong Fortress and the large, busy fish market. The nearby coast boasts two major beach resorts, Haeundae and Songjong. Haeundae is the more popular and has a long, sandy beach with a good range of hotels and restaurants. Additional attractions are sightseeing boat tours and the nearby medicinal hot springs. Another hot-spring resort in the area is Tongnae, while Kumgang Park features unusual rock formations and historic monuments, including a pagoda and several temples. The superb Ulsukdo Bird Sanctuary offers world-class birdwatching.
Chirisan National Park is known as a fine hiking and mountaineering destination. Located on the flank of Mount Chirisan, Hwaeomsa Temple is famous for its ancient pagodas and annual lantern festival.
Korea’s southwestern area offers dramatic coastal scenery, most notably the 1000-plus islands that make up the Tadohae Haesang Marine National Park. Of the islands that offer accommodation and facilities for visitors, scenic Hongdo and craggy Huksando are two of the most popular. The area is famous for its beautiful sunsets. The coastal town of Mokpo is the location of the excellent new National Maritime Museum and departure point for ferries to many of the National Park’s islands and also for Cheju-do Island.

Cheju-do Island
Lying off the southwest coast of the Republic of Korea, the scenic resort island of Cheju-do is dominated by Mount Halla, Korea’s highest mountain at 1950m (6400ft). Just a one-hour flight from Seoul, the island’s warm, sunny climate and myriad leisure facilities mean that it is the country’s most popular honeymoon destination. Hikers will enjoy following the trail to the summit of Mount Halla while those in search of a beach holiday will find sandy beaches, warm waters and sports facilities. The Chungmun tourist complex offers watersports, a golf course and a ‘Pacific’-themed leisure center. A major amusement park, Cheju World, provides fun for lovers of thrills and rides. Numerous natural attractions include the Samsonghyol Caves, three spectacular waterfalls and the volcanic scenery of Songsanilchulbong Park. Tours of the many tangerine orchards and visits to Songup Folk Village are also popular. Cheju-do is famous for its seafood, some of which is still harvested by traditional haenyeo women divers.

The West
South of Seoul, South Korea’s western area is known for its jagged scenic coastline and numerous National and Provincial Parks. Particularly notable is the Kyeryongsan National Park which includes the two beautiful temples of Kapsa and Dongkaksa. 35km (20 miles) apart, both Kongju and Puyo were once capital of the ancient Paekche kingdom. Today, numerous burial mounds are still to be found in the area and both towns boast branches of the National Museum featuring fine displays of artifacts dating back over 1000 years. The Kongju National Museum also houses the crowns and other treasures excavated from the tomb of King Muryeon. Nearby, a reconstruction of the tomb is open to visitors. Not far from Puyo, the Nakhwaam Rock is renowned for the tragic suicide of 3000 women of the Paekche court during the last days of the Paekche dynasty in the seventh century AD. Further south, Teogyusan National Park has numerous waterfalls and is famous as the southernmost skiing area in Korea (Rep). The temple of Tapsa, located at the base of Mount Maisan, is renowned for its 80 unique pagodas, built with thousands of small stones by a Buddhist hermit.

The Secrets To Making Money Online

It doesn’t take a large amount of skill to make money online these days, just a great deal of dedication and determination. The process of setting up a site and signing up for Google’s Adsense or any affiliate program is something that can be done by almost anyone with access to a computer and an Internet connection. But the defining line demarcating the money-makers and the also-rans is drawn by a chalk made of work, work and more work. You have to be a plodder, you have to click on link after link if that’s what it takes to make you money, and you have to sign up for as many programs as you can juggle and keep track of if you wish to make a decent amount each month. The secrets to making money online are not really secret – anyone with the will to succeed can make a success of it. Here are a few pointers that will help you earn extra income online:

  • It may be part time and it may not earn you much money, but if you are serious about your online income, you must spend a few hours each day on your blog and relevant promotional activities. Nothing ventured, nothing gained should be your motto. You cannot just hope to rake in the dollars by stopping by your blog once every couple of days.

  • Keep track of your earnings from all the multiple activities you’ve signed up for. Advertisements, affiliate programs and the like work only when you make sure you’re getting the money you’re owed from doing promotional work for those who display ads on your site.

  • If you’re into selling products or services online, make sure you keep your promises and follow ethical practices.

  • If you have your own blog, you probably started it as a means to air your opinions or state your views. Making money out of the process happened as an afterthought. Don’t get greedy and focus on making money alone by filling your blog with just affiliate links and advertisements or you may end up losing your audience in a short span of time. Remember, your readers are there for what you write, they are the ones who help you earn money online, so don’t alienate them with a lot of clutter on your blog.

  • Don’t believe the hype that you can become a millionaire with what you earn online. At best, it’s a part-time job that offers part-time earnings. For stay-at-home moms or housewives, it’s a way to supplement your regular income with easy spending money. Making serious money online is possible only when you pursue the option as a full-time business, and even then, it takes time to establish yourself as a pro before you actually see the results.

  • Do not engage in illegal activities in the hope of making a fast buck. Don’t grab on to promotion offers that pay more without doing a routine check into the kind of products or services you’re endorsing.

General Information of Slackware Linux

What is Slackware Linux?

The Official Release of Slackware Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux operating system, designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best of all worlds to the table.

Originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, the UNIX®-like Linux operating system now benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers around the world. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users alike with a fully-featured system, equipped to serve in any capacity from desktop workstation to machine-room server. Web, ftp, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.

June 03, 2008

Dalam kebesaran-Mu

Entah karena aku mulai bosan dirumah, atau karena tidak sanggup berfikir lagi, akhirnya aku mengiyakan ajakan teman ku untuk menemaninya ke salah satu rumah makan terkenal dan terenak yang juga merupakan salah satu restoran kelas atas tanpa tau apa tujuannya mengajakku kesana, dan aku pun tak ingin ambil pusing. Hal itu tidak aku tanyakan, sampai akhirnya aku tau ternyata dia memesan sekian banyak nasi kotak untuk disumbangkan pada anak-anak yatim di salah satu panti asuhan dikota ku. Aku mulai berpikir dalam hati, betapa mulianya teman ku ini.
Dalam perjalanan aku tertegun, mendengar apa yang diucapkan oleh teman ku itu. Rasanya lidahku seperti kaku, aku seperti dibius. Tak sepatah katapun mampu keluar dari mulutku untuk menggambarkan apa yang aku rasa saat itu. Tiba-tiba aku merasa sangat kecil, sangat tidak berarti dan sangat tidak mensyukuri apa yang telah aku dapat selama ini. Setitik penyesalan langsung mengisi ruang kosong di kepalaku. Teringat akan sekian banyak kesalahan yang seperti ikut mengacau disana. Dan tanpa aku sadari ternyata pelupuk mata ku sudah dipenuhi dengan air yang serta-merta akan segera mengalir indah di pipiku.
Ya, aku menangis. Dan aku semakin tak sanggup menahan sesaknya dadaku. Aku menumpahkan semuanya. Masih tak ada satu katapun yang mampu ku ucapkan saat itu. Aku hanya diam dan menangis. Aku mulai berpikir, betapa Engkau Maha Adil ya Allah, kaw memberikan kasih sayang-Mu kepada seluruh umat di dunia. Kau menciptakan mereka yang kuat untuk melindungi saudaranya yang lemah, Kau menciptakan mereka yang tangguh untuk saudaranya yang rapuh, Kau menciptakan semuanya untuk saling menyayangi dimuka bumi-MU ini ya Allah.
Hal itu terlihat dari apa yang telah dilakukan teman ku untuk menyantuni dan menyayangi anak-anak yatim dihari Ulang Tahun nya. Aku dapat melihat, dia begitu bersyukur masi diberikan kesempatan untuk berbenah diri, memperbaiki diri, memperbanyak ibadah, dan menjadi lebih baik untuk dirinya dan orang-orang disekitarnya, walopun sebenarnya dia menyimpan kesedihan yang besar didalam hatinya. Layaknya orang yang telah ditinggalkan oleh kedua orang tua nya, saudara dan sanak famili. Dia sangat terpukul namun begitu tabah, mencoba untuk tetap kuat, berdiri dan tak berniat untuk menyerah meski sebatangkara.
Sungguh jauh berbeda jika dibanding aku. Aku masih mempunyai keluarga utuh, aku masih punya Papa, Mama, Abangku, serta 2 orang Adikku. Namun aku sering lupa akan nikmat yang telah Kau berikan, aku sering lupa bahwa dengan mudah Kau dapat mengambil kembali semuanya, aku sering lupa bahwa manusia hidup didunia hanya untuk menyembah-Mu, bersyukur pada-Mu, serta memohon ridha dan rahmat-Mu.
Kini ku bersujud, memohon ampun pada-Mu.., karena mungkin aku tak akan sanggup bila Kau merenggut semuanya dariku ya Allah...

June 02, 2008

Pantai Ulee Lheu

Liat gambar disamping, jadi inget waktu temen ku vina tiba-tiba dateng kerumah ku n ngajakin aku ke laut, ud kek cewe matre ajee hehehe, laut yang dimaksud disini adalah pantai. Dengan sgala ketumbenan, aku pun bertanya, "knapa ngajakin ke laut nya ga ntar malem aja skalian? gila, mo ke laut jam sgini tar balik nya jam berapa?". eh..bukan nya ngejawab, tapi dia malah majang wajah memelas. Trus aku tanyain tujuan laut yang dia mauk, dan dengan ringkas dia langsung jawab "Ulee Lheu aja yang dekeeeeeetttt, hehehe..". Akhirnya aku setuju dan kita langsung tancap gas. Tiba di lokasi pantai Ulee Lheu, aku yang masi nyari-nyari parkiran tiba-tiba dikagetin lagi sama vina (seneng ngagetin kaya nya niy anak), doi tereak bo "by... beli jagung bakar ga??". Sbenernya siy maksudnya baik, dia ngingetin aku buat beli jagung bakar dulu baru bis tu nyari parkiran, soalnya tempat jual jagung bakar nya rada jauh sama pantai, klu cari parkiran dulu pasti tar jauh lagi jalan buat beli jagung bakar nya, n akhirnya jadi buang-buang waktu untuk bulak balik dari tempat tukang jual jagung bakar - pantai. Lalu aku putusin untuk berenti n beli jagung bakar dulu.
Trus, stelah slese cari parkiran akhirnya kita menuju pantai. Aku berdiri di atas tanggul yang terbuat dari batu-batu kali yang disusun rapi yang rata-rata besar bongkahan nya setengah dari mobil nya chabel. Sejenak aku lupa akan vina n jagung bakar ku. Suasana nya seolah membawa sukma ku travelling entah kemana. Aku mulai memejamkan mata dan menikmati segala belaian angin ditubuh ku, sampai akhirnya "by.., woi!!" lagi-lagi vina ngagetin, aaaaaahhhhh.. vina ngerusak smua keindahan yang sedang aku nikmati. Bgitu aku menoleh ke arahnya, dia nyengir sambil nanya "ngapain by? di perhatiin orang tuw?". Sontak aku langsung memalingkan wajah ke sekitar ku, dan ku dapati orang-orang lagi ngetawain aku, sepertinya aku lumayan lama berdiri seperti itu. Hihihi..malu siy, tapi aku ga begitu perduli, aku seperti masih dibuai oleh keindahan pantai Ulee Lheu yang waktu itu hampir senja.
Vina ikut berdiri disamping ku, ku pikir pengen nikmati pemandangan yang sedang aku nikmati, tapi ternyata dia malah nyodorin jagung bakar dingin yang dari tadi aku anggurin. "niy, udah dingin. makan di mobil aja ya, biar kburu magriban dirumah." ujarnya sambil berlalu. Memang jarak Pantai Ulee Lheu skitar 5-7 km dari pusat kota, pantai terdekat diantara sekian banyak pantai-pantai indah yang ada disekitar kota Banda Aceh. Tapi walo bgitu juga, tetep aja jauh jarak nya dari rumah ku, n tetep ga kburu maghriban di rumah. Dasar vina, hehe..
So akhirnya, kita berdua pulang, stelah mampir sholat dulu di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Tujuan pergi kepantai yang tadi nya cuma untuk memenuhi ajakan vina dan ku anggap ga menarik, akhirnya bikin aku seneng juga.
Suatu waktu, kapan-kapan, aku pasti ingin lagi kembali, melihat indahnya pantai-pantai di Aceh yang udah lama banget hilang dari ingatan ku.

June 01, 2008

Lirikan mataaa..mu!

Kemaren memang malam yang melelahkan, baik mata, punggung, juga pinggang.
Gimana ga, nguprek-nguprek blog, tak-tek-tok kelar-kelar ud jam 6 pagi ajah. (Busyet!! bgadang tiada akhir!!) Trus tidur, skitar jam 7an deh kayanya, lagi enak-enak tidur gitu tiba-tiba si dewi nelpon, "ah dewi rese niy, pake nelpon-nelpon sgala" pikir ku, trus mata ku langsung berpaling ke arah jam dinding di kamar ku, dan ASTAGA!! jam 8.20 pagi, "wahh..dewi minta di cuekin!" pikir ku lagi. Lalu dengan santai nya aku menekan tombol silent di ponsel ku dan kembali sleeping beauty, bener-bener beauty dah kaya nya, sampe akhirnya aku tersentak karena denger suara jelek yang ga banget tiba-tiba nusuk kuping ku "k'ebyyyyyyyyy... telpon tuuuuuuuuuu....!!", ternyata suara sheila, anak bontot di rumah ku yang ternyata udah teriak-teriakan manggil aku dari tadi. Gimana ga kaget bo? wong jarak congor ma kuping ku cuma sejengkal, gila! langsung ke ubun-ubun donk, eh bgitu mata ku melek, dia langsung kabur, wuss..wuss..wuss.. Xial banget, akhirnya tanpa ngumpulin nyawa dulu aku langsung ke arah telpon n bilang "halo..", owh ternyata cuma k'uli yang ngajakin jenguk salah satu temen pelatih di PPI yang sedang di opname di rumah sakit karena DBD. Dasar temen ku itu ga rejeki, ternyata dirumah ku ga ada satu kendaraan pun yang lagi markir indah, smua nya lagi kelayapan entah kemana, yah.. ga jadi dapet buah gretongan sambil liat cewe kece kek aku (halah kece) hauhuahua..
Trs bgitu slese maghriban, tiba-tiba si dewi nelpon lagi. Dan ternyata dia mo ngajakin makan di luar!! Wah dewi tau aja klo aku lagi ga pengen makan di rumah hihi.. Sambil ngdumel protes karena telpon nya yang tadi pagi ga di angkat dia nyuruh aku ganti pakaian n segera siap-siap karena dia udah mo nyampe ke rumah ku.
Dengan semangat aku ganti pakaian, berbarengan dengan siap nya aku si dewi juga nyampe di rumah ku. Stelah pamitan sama mama trus aku pergi ma dewi. Tapi kita kurang lengkap klo ga ada vina, akhirnya kita pun mnuju rumah vina, yg jarak nya kira-kira 10 menitan dari rumah ku. Bgitu sampe disana ternyata vina udah nunggu di depan rumah nya sambil maen-maen dengan ponsel barunya. Lalu kita pun langsung kemon.
Stelah kliling2 cari tempat makan yang suasananya enak n ga bgitu rame, akhirnya kita bertiga milih Niagara sbagai pilihan yang paling pas. Tapi tau-tau ponsel ku bunyi, dari kiki! (kiki niy salah satu temen ku di paskibraka, dia lagi naksir vina). Bgitu aku angkat, seperti yang udah aku tebak, dia nanyain vina. Ketika dia tau dimana posisi aku n temen-temen ku, dengan persetujuan vina dia pun langsung menuju ke tempat kita.
Niy dia serunya. Pas kiki nyampe, dewi yang ceplas-ceplos langsung buka bicara, "duduk sini ki, biar bisa liat vina" sampil membersihkan kursi yang ada disamping nya. Mata vina langsung menderlik ke arah dewi, dalam hatinya mungkin dia berkata seperti ini "sialan lu wi!". Tapi dewi malah ktawa ckikikan girang. Untungnya kiki orang nya supel, jadi bisa menyesuaikan suasana.
Spanjang obrolan sembari makan itu, aku memperhatikan kiki yang slalu nglirik vina di stiap ada kesempatan, tapi bgitu ke gep sama vina, aku ato dewi dia langsung memalingkan mata nya. Beda ma vina, dia cuma dieeeeeeemmm aja, n ngomong nya juga skali-skali doank, ga biasanya vina gitu, ada apa dengan vina?? Hihihi.. ternyata vina juga nglirik kiki skali-skali disaat kiki lagi ga nglirik dia. Hal ini kebaca sama aku n dewi, sambil injek-injekan kaki di bawah meja, aku n dewi saling kode-kodean. Aku ngajakin dewi ke kasir, n ngebiarin kiki ma vina bdua disitu. Rupanya dewi ngerti, dan kita tinggalkanlah mereka. Bgitu slese bayar, ternyata vina n kiki lagi ngobrol sambil malu-malu gitu, buset! muka mereka sama-sama merah bo! persis ABG, hahaha..
Trus stelah saling say goodbye ma kiki, akhirnya aku, dewi n vina cabut dr situ. Spanjang jalan kenangan eh jalan pulang,vina senyam-senyum mulu. Ngliat tingkah vina, dewi jadi ga bisa nahan diri, dengan spontan dia ngomong "kiki bis bilang cinta ya say??". ehh..vina malah ga jawab, cuma wajah nya makin sumringah gitu deh. Trus dewi nanya lagi "jangan-jangan lu bdua udah jadian yah?". Tetep aja ga di jawab sampe akhirnya nyampe di rumah vina, eh..bukan nya jawab dulu, tapi tu anak malah mabur, langsung masuk ke rumah nya sambil senyum-senyum, bikin penasaran ajah.
Walopun penasaran, gpp lah, paling ga ngbantu ngurangin pegel mata, punggung n pinggang ku dengan ngeliat tingkah vina n kiki yang kaya anak SMU itu. ^^

Tar kapan-kapan kita kluar bareng lagi yah prent!!.