August 16, 2008

My friend said : ...

"Hah! I don't think that i should ask "why"? because you already know why, did it.
I would suggest you to move a head! Your lifespan still long, the happiness waiting for you.
Be a power full to your self! Be independent women!
Believe me, it just a matter of time.
Sometimes we need to cry, struggling in bad situation.
There also times to laugh and share the happiness.
You need to be patient and convince your self this is the best.
But if you don't think so, go talk to Allah.
Allah always know the answer, just follow the sign.."


Anonymous said...

setiap ada masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya.
ada cobaan pasti ada hikmahnya say.

kalo kata alfrednya betmen, sebelum fajar pasti langit akan lebih gelap ;)

Anonymous said...


aku setuju ma mami tili....!!!

semangaaatttttt!!!! kk

be superwoman tata ^^


ebychu said...

@ little_star: masa siy si alfred bilang gt say?? :p

@ anonymous: aku bukan superhero d......... T_T

Anonymous said...

nah itu dia say aku lupa sapa yang bilang :))

tapi alfred juga pernah bilang hal yang seperti itu, walo kata²nya ga kayak gitu banget.

Anonymous said...

aq ga taw mau bilang apa lagi degh by...

I just wanna say...

U still have love form peoples around u, u r not alone!


Anonymous said...

tq jal ;)